Dynamic tuple / DTO
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Brief description
Relaxes data-transfer objects’ strong-typing on strongly-typed languages to avoid implementing dozens of different types to cover each upper layers’ data retrieval and persistence requirements.
It was first described in a StackOverflow Q&A in 2011.
What does it solve?
In strongly-typed languages like C#, Java, C++ and many others, whenever you need to store data, you need a data structure (i.e. lists, sets, dictionaries, linked lists, tuples…) or *custom types (almost classes) to store it.
While strong typing is a good choice in almost every case, there’s a problem when architecting and implementing large client-server solutions where two physical layers require bi-directional communication. For example, an HTML5/JavaScript application may need to query and store resources against a Web Service RESTful API.
There’s a common design pattern known as data-transfer object which defines that, instead of moving the data across boundaries using a full object, we should move just the data required by both sides in the transaction.
For example, let’s say an user interface grid requires to show a customer list. A Customer
entity may contain the following data:
- Id
- Name
- LastName
- Age
- IsActivated
- DateAdded
- DateModified
…and we need to show a list of top 15 customers in some user interface grid, and this grid will contain 3 columns: Id
, FullName
and IsActivated
Actually transferring full Customer
objects with all possible properties would we, at least, a waste of time and resources, because the user interface grid requires just 3 of 7 properties. For that reason, the data-transfer object patterns says that we should create another class to transfer just what the user interface requires:
// Pseudo-code
class CustomerBriefDto
FullName, // Concatenation of `Name` and `LastName`
This is afforable until your system is big enough to need to design more than 50 data-transfer objects. Each new use case will require a new data-transfer object, and each change on the domain object will require a refactor on one or more data-transfer objects.
Sometimes an hyphothetical elegancy isn’t enough (i.e. decoupling the domain from application layer data requirements implementing 100 data-transfer objects). The goal of programming and software development is producing good solutions in both terms of technical quality and productivity.
Some programming languages like C# on .NET have the ability to both support strong and dynamic typing:
// Strongly-typed reference
string text = "hello world";
// Dynamically-typed reference
dynamic text2 = "hello world";
text2 = 1; // I can set an integer
text2 = true; // ...also a boolean...
In addition, since the introduction of dynamic typing in .NET 4.0, the framework introduced dynamic types and there’s one that’s very interesting: ExpandoObject
Also, one of most popular JSON serializers JSON.NET, can serialize y deserialize to ExpandoObject
. That is, any arbitrary JSON can be treated as just a POCO.
As said before, when a project grows enough, it may happen that you need to implement not 10 but 200 data-transfer objects to support all use cases of querying and persisting data, and this situation might led to decrease your productivity and maintainibility.
One possible solution is the dynamic tuple / DTO pattern proposed on this document. It’s all about relaxing strong typing under this condition and go with the duck-typing approach, where data-transfer objects are built as expando objects.
In newer versions of ASP.NET Web API, actions’ parameter binding can be either setup to be done using custom types (i.e. classes) or dynamic types.
During configuration stage of ASP.NET Web API its serializer can be configured as follows:
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.Converters.Insert(0, new ExpandoObjectConverter());
And a controller may look as follows:
public class CustomerController : ApiController
public Task<IHttpActionResult> SaveCustomer(ExpandoObject dto)
Instead of receiving a custom data-transfer object like SaveCustomerDto
we just receive an ExpandoObject
For example, it’s very easy to check if a property exists in the ExpandoObject
because it explicitly implements IDictionary<string, object>
public class CustomerController : ApiController
public Task<IHttpActionResult> SaveCustomer(ExpandoObject dto)
IDictionary<string, object> dtoAsDict = (IDictionary<string, object>)dto;
And you may still access the whole data-transfer object with dot syntax typing it as dynamic
public class CustomerController : ApiController
public Task<IHttpActionResult> SaveCustomer(dynamic dto)
string name = dto.name;
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Go to our GitHub repository and open an issue, and let's talk about it!

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