
I define myself as a passionate software guy. From a young age I have always looked forward to new technologies.

I have seen first-hand how the Internet has grown and evolved. From plain hypertext to the internet of services and cloud computing. I grew up along with the Internet, I have been learning Web tech and programming for more than 15 years.

I am self-taught but an enthusiast and big fan of Computer Science, this has led me to learn and challenge myself every day. I understand Software as more than just code, it is creativity and innovation and a great opportunity to share knowledge with other professionals.

After all, the tool does not make the professional. My principle is “enthusiasts do great things”. A tool is just a possible expression of some valid solution to get things done right!

What am I looking for? I am committed to grow, share, build, create and innovate. At the end of the day, to learn and enjoy.

How to reach me

The best way to reach me is sending me a message to my LinkedIn account. Feel free to add me to your buddy list.

profile for Matías Fidemraizer at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

I would say that I’m a big fan of and its definitive contribution to be both a very powerful source of info and also a great tool to improve my skills and knowledge while I assist others on the same goal!.